”It was a truly great experience. I have learned so much about acting, as well as about myself”

“Initially, I was unsure of what the ‘Method’ entailed. The processes involved caused my awareness of myself to gradually open like a flower responding to sunlight. The Method allows you to acknowledge your own truth and when the alchemy of truth and creativity merge something magical is created inside the actor and for those watching. The experience of acting using Method tools has left me wanting to learn and experience more of the same.”

”This course really allowed me to open up. I completely enjoyed all the lessons. I felt really free on stage and totally lost any self-consciousness I had. So, if you want to join this course, don’t think about it… it’s fantastic!”

”A very interesting class structure that gives you the opportunity to work as hard as you want. It has opened up the proverbial window of fresh air for me, and with every breath, I can feel that there’s more and more to be explored and developed within me, thanks to this class.”

“I have been a member of Brian’s Studio for approximately six months. Throughout the six months, Brian Timoney’s classes challenged everything that I previously understood about acting and it has taken my acting to a whole new level. Brian is committed to the work of his students and offers constructive criticism, so that the work of his students is more honest and grounded. We are taught various exercises that allow us to tap into a deeper truth within ourselves and breathe life into the characters we play. I cannot imagine any other way for a gradual but effective way to get a beginner started on a road to success. I highly recommend Brian’s classes to those who are looking for skills that will set them apart from all other actors and are serious about acting as a career.”

“Brian’s Actors’ Studio has given me exactly what I need in an acting course. There is a great atmosphere in the classes and more importantly I feel safe to experiment and in turn this allows me to be more creative and imaginative in my acting. I feel that because Brian was a working actor himself, he is sensitive and up to date to the students needs. Brian is helping me to overcome my personal obstacles as an actor and I am enjoying my continued progression within the class.”

“I find this class essential for a clear understanding of how to access this technique called “Method acting”. It has also allowed me to initiate a much deeper connection with myself as well as with the characters I play.”

“Brian’s teaching of ‘the Method’ has made me realise that my acting needs to be 100% believable and I’ve benefited from his coaching and honest feedback to my work. He has created a professional learning environment and with a limited number of students to each class we all get our own time and space to perform.

Using ‘the method’ has transformed my approach to acting and the standard of my work. I feel free in myself, and really alive when working. The Method has also shown me how to stimulate a high level of belief in what I am doing on stage.”