“I find this class essential for a clear understanding of how to access this technique called “Method acting”. It has also allowed me to initiate a much deeper connection with myself as well as with the characters I play.”

“Brian’s teaching of ‘the Method’ has made me realise that my acting needs to be 100% believable and I’ve benefited from his coaching and honest feedback to my work. He has created a professional learning environment and with a limited number of students to each class we all get our own time and space to perform.

“This teacher is brilliant. He offers a practical approach to acting using Method exercises as well as great advice on the industry and useful feedback on your work. It’s so refreshing to work with a teacher who is as good as he is. I found the class environment especially good; it’s supportive so you feel you can take risks in your work. What’s great about this course is that it really is suitable for any actor whether they’re a beginner or have been acting professionally for years. I recommend it!”

Using ‘the method’ has transformed my approach to acting and the standard of my work. I feel free in myself, and really alive when working. The Method has also shown me how to stimulate a high level of belief in what I am doing on stage.”

“The training provided at Brian’s Studio is an excellent tool no serious industry professional should let pass by. Not only does the course open your eyes to perhaps fresher ways to bring your talents alive, it also provides the basis for you to continually improve your skills with a series of exercises that can be performed at home, prior to an audition or wherever you fancy. If you’re willing to commit to the course and not hold back, the end rewards can only improve your acting skills.”

“This class was truly perfect for a first acting experience. Brian creates a safe environment where beginners and professional actors alike attempt new approaches using the tools of the method. I was surprised to see how quickly what you learn in class is applicable and gives results that are beyond expectations. Brian also has the ability to pinpoint exactly where an actor may not be correctly focused and give him/her the tool necessary for an immediate result. I highly recommend this course, so much so that I have already signed up to the next workshop!’”

”I have worked as a professional actor now for a number of years and have been around the block a few times. I approached Brian Timoney for help. I felt that my zest for acting had started to diminish, and that frankly I had become ‘rusty’. Under Brian’s direction not only have I fallen head over heels in love with acting again, but I have been given a much needed ‘Booster injection’ in terms of my understanding, and approach to my work. The Method is now a practice that I intend to continue with, and with Brian’s help, pay closer attention to. I would recommend Brian’s classes to anyone wanting to understand what makes acting real, believable, and worthwhile.”

“Having never acted before, Brian’s course could not have been better. He knows the techniques inside out, he knows the industry back to front, he knows the work top to bottom. Also, he knows inspirational acting has the power to change people and most importantly, his motivation is to teach you all about it. Epic course, serve me up another portion.”

”This course really allowed me to open up. I completely enjoyed all the lessons. I felt really free on stage and totally lost any self-consciousness I had. So, if you want to join this course, don’t think about it… it’s fantastic!”

“Initially, I was unsure of what the ‘Method’ entailed. The processes involved caused my awareness of myself to gradually open like a flower responding to sunlight. The Method allows you to acknowledge your own truth and when the alchemy of truth and creativity merge something magical is created inside the actor and for those watching. The experience of acting using Method tools has left me wanting to learn and experience more of the same.”