There is no getting away from it. The election is but a hop, skip and a jump away.
I don’t know about you, but if I hear one more pleading/whining politician I think I may explode.
But it has got me thinking. Thinking about what I would do if I were Prime Minister.
So, here is my actors’ manifesto:
- I would put a shed load of money into producing more TV, Film and Theatre.
- All bona fide actors would get plenty of well paid acting work.
- All reality TV would be stopped immediately!
- Mediocre and bad actors would have to go to acting classes to improve.
- The lazy, talentless and deluded would not be allowed to get on TV…EVER.
- Actors who ‘over act’ would need to go to Over Actors Anonymous. The first step would be for them to admit that they are over acting!
- I would introduce National Actors’ Day. Everyone can go and watch any film or theatre production free of charge.
What do you think?
Personally, I think I am onto something.
I just need a Party name now.
Any suggestions?
Post them below and we’ll announce the best one.